Friday, June 12, 2009


You might know (and you might not) that I don't have lure. "WHAT?" (You might be thinking) "HE DOESN'T HAVE LURE???? What a jerk!" (Excuse me?) Or you might be thinking. "What's the big deal?" (Of course you're probably thinking that you already knew that.) So what do YOU think of lureless toons? I obviously have nothing against them. Do you? I personally think that not everybody needs to have lure since you probably aren't going to need 16 hypno goggles in any battle. But it's your opinions I want! (Too bad nobody reads this.......... yet!)

Larry... OUT! ;)


  1. To quote yourself: "Excuse me?" Am I nobody? I read your blog!!!!!!!! And I don't care if you have lure or what, though I don't have drop and I think it's the best non-option, if you know what I mean. But wouldn't it be sooooooo boring if everyone had the same gags?

  2. I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about toons in general. I don't see why I should have to mention dropless, trapless, toon-upless, and soundless in a post about lureless toons. I do agree with you that it would be boring if everybody had the same gags though. :P

  3. When I said: "to quote yourself" all I meant was I was quoting you when I said "Excuse me?" (because you said the same thing in your post). Sorry for the confusion. I don't get what you mean when you say, "I don't see why I should have to mention dropless..."


  4. Perhaps I don't understand what you're saying. I thought you were trying to say that you didn't like that I was talking about lureless toons. Since you said "Am I nobody?" as if you thought I was ignoring others
