Friday, May 29, 2009

Trap or Drop?

Well, plenty of toons end up with all but trap or drop gags. (I don't have lure. :P) So which is better? That is a difficult question. I personally say drop because its better for solos and doesn't rely on lure. I hope to plant Toontanic someday. (Oops, that was off topic.) But then trap is stronger and more relyable if another toon lures... Hey, why wouldn't I say drop? I don't have lure! Hehe. Well, the big question is... what do YOU think??? LOL. Larry, out. ;)
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Speed Chat Plus

Larry here. I have some stuff to say about SC+. 1. It's a great idea! Finally we can say more. 2. WHY DID DISNEY ADD SOME OF THESE BIZARE WORDS????

When I say "BIZARE WORDS" I mean things like "redpirates1234", "butterfly-herders", "kokojillo", and "dinothunder". Of course there are many more than that. Then they don't even let you say PIE! Good grief.

Oh here's another strange word: "boooooooooooooooooommm" LOL. (I might be able to find a use for that one...)

Feel free to comment and give your strange words and speed chat plus thoughts.